Rave #2 - The North American Record for "Fakery"!
It seems even the left is tired of Mrs. Clinton, or Ms. Rodham, or whatever else she prefers to be called. Ms. Senator seems appropriately PC...
After a rant or two, I have to rave about such tidbits as this...
I read today what ever-faithful-to-the-cause Jimmy Breslin wrote in NYNewsday today about Hillary Clinton's lack of backbone or denounciation of the war in Iraq. And I smiled.
"Hillary Clinton today holds the new North American record for fakery," he writes. "She copies. She sneaks and slithers past you with her opinion on a war that kills every day."
What is particularly fulfilling about this report is that we all know the political Right will never buy her story. Her attempts to move to the middle are a vain attempt that even John Kerry wouldn't believe.
- In January, earlier this year she gave a speach in which she emphasized that abortion, though a legal right, is "always and everywhere a moral tragedy".
http://www.andrewsullivan.com/main_article.php?artnum=20050127 - She has also recently complained about the negative effects of the recent influx of illegal aliens.
http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20050126-121258-1641r.htm - She said last winter, "There is no contradiction between support for faith-based initiatives and upholding our constitutional principles."
Next thing you know, she'll be decrying the effects of government intervention in the health care industry, and voting for Judge Alito, up for Supreme Court nomination this coming January. Democrats faced an abysmal loss in the elections of 2004. Not only did they fail to paint Bush as a seat-stealer, but they lost by both electoral and popular vote. Not only did Michael Moore fail to paint Bush as a war-mongering, Muslim-hating psycho sending our children into the flames of his dirty little game, but Americans expressed their confidence that at least Bush in a principled leader; agreeing with those principles is another matter. But at least he HAS them!
Meanwhile Democrats were coming across as middle of the road people-pleasers. Build a big tent, stuff in all the keynote speakers and cultural diversity you can find and invite everyone in, hypnotizing them with messages about environmental capitalism, Socially Conservative Democrats and other moderate points of view. They thought it would work; after all, Bush became a moderate Republican and it was working for him. (NOTE: it unfortunately works for Republicans, because there are more people who are middle-to-right than left. The Democrats will try anything to build their base beyond a 40% minority, but like their party platform, they're flush out of ideas that work.)
But they lost... and by a wide margin. They lost by a whole state of Oregon's population. Decisive loss. So they went soul searching and came up with a brilliant idea I wish the Republican party would embrace: reform your party platform and move back into your corner of the political spectrum, represent your constituents, and stop trying to be all things to all people. See, the Republican party carved their tablets in 1994 and they took over the Congress. Due (at least slightly) more so to Clinton's lack of moral leadership than anything else, Bush won the 2000 election (barely) and now the Democrats were desperate; but they discovered in 2004 that Americans can't be fooled by fakery. Enter Howard Dean, certainly no fake. A bit on the loose end, but no phony. He makes bold and courageous moves to bring his party back to it's bread and butter. Yet, now the front-running candidate for the Democratic Party in 2008 is making the same mistake!
What is so glorious about this development is that the Republican Party is going to have more elbow room to run their best candidate in '08, whether Hillary runs or not. They won't be forced to groom and preen Ms. Condi Rice into the perfect candidate (although she might be a fine candidate, nonetheless). The left is tearing itself apart again, just as it has been doing since 2000 when their sky fell in. What I think the Democratic Party must face is that for decades they have survived on the premise that there are people who need something from the government. They've had to maintain this concept of negativity and constant need in order to nurture a constituency that is consistently becoming more prosperous than the generation before. Conservative economic principles for the last 25 years have developed the most successful economic era in modern history, and every year there are less and less people that "need" a Party of Entitlement; hence the negative rhetoric.
The party of "Doom & Gloom" sans Joe Leiberman (nod to Rush Limbaugh) is continuing their march into the horizon, like a flock of lemmings jumping off a park bench; no certain death, just a few headaches and back around again for another ride...
P.S. While pondering this thought, review some more "flip-flop" politics from the greatest liberal hawk of all time, Ted Kennedy: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=45591