Friday, December 02, 2005

Misgiving #2 - Russia Equips Iran for War

Can you believe it? It's actually still seeping through the clay, from the rotten and contaminated ground beneath us. The years of philandering, sell-outs, closed-door deals (and affairs), the wild oats sown by the Clinton Administration are still coming up to bloom. reports today that Russia has utilized the concessions of a 10 year old "agreement" made secretly between Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin to sell weapon defense systems to Iran. It is estimated to be a military transaction worth about $700 million and will provide Iran with 29 Tor M-1 missle defense batteries. These batteries will be installed and armed to protect Iran's "peaceful use" nuclear reactor programs.

Apparently in April of 1993 , President Clinton and Russian President Boris Yeltsin formed a commission chaired by the Prime Minister and the U.S. Vice President. This Commission was called the "US-Russian Joint Commission on Economic and Technological Cooperation". Later it was referred to simply as the GCC (Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission).

The Commission's original mandate was to support cooperation
between the United States and Russia in the areas of space, energy, and high
technology. However, as of July 1996 the GCC had been expanded to include eight
different committees: Space, Business Development, Energy Policy, Defense
Conversion, Science and Technology, Environment, Health, and Agribusiness. The
Commission formally convenes about twice a year in either Washington or Moscow;
the individual committees maintain regular contact throughout the year.
Two years later, an agreement was signed between the two parties that allowed Russia to sell some missle defense systems abroad, including but not solely, Iran. That agreement allowed the sales through 1999, but Russia does not believe the recent sale to Iran of 29 Tor M-1's violates the agreement, nor the Ballistic Missle Treaty, nor the Iran-Iraq Non-proliferation Act, sponsored by then-Senator Al Gore!

Amazing how an office and a few years will change a man. These are the seeds that have been sown by a corrupt and at the very least neglectful administration.
  • Sattelite technology sales and top-secret violations of national security policy involving China
  • GCC deals allowing arms sales to Iran
  • The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance
  • Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates (40 gov/47 prvt)
  • Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation (61 indictments)
  • First president sued for sexual harassment
  • First president accused of rape
  • Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case
  • First president to be held in contempt of court
  • First president disbarred from the US Supreme Court and a state court

What a legacy; it haunts our trust in government and our national security even today. And we voted him into office twice. Al-Qaida's "illumination" of America's evil didn't even materialize until former President Clinton engraved our sins upon the minds of the world.

We are to blame; never again!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's simply amazing how the our own politician can just sell our country away, under the 'guise one hand washes the other. It disturbs me that Iran's comment to the U.S. was, when questioned of the fact of these purchases - "If you don't do anything wrong, there should be know problem." If countries aren't willing to work towards a better future, then forget about it all. All this debating, posturing by those in power is useless, because in the end countries such as Russia and Iran, will do whatever it is they want.

6:40 AM  

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