Friday, January 05, 2007

BlogBlurb - Democratic "inefficiency and non-compassion"

Those suffering from the "entitlement mentality" in the southern state of Louisiana believe a.) that it is the feds responsibility to bail them out and rebuild a foolishly established city and give it to those who will only repeat their mistakes; and b.) believe that the inaction of the federal government before and after Katrina is racially motivated. They do of course, release any Democratic Congressional leader or President from these charges.

Finally a prominent figure has articulated the truth against this travesty of human misconception.

In an interview with, the Black Entertainment Network's website, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Alphonso Jackson, who is black, addressed charges of racism related to the government's response to Katrina.

Jackson said his agency has helped Katrina evacuees move out of shelters and hotels, but very few are being placed in the New Orleans area. He said his agency has addressed specific accusations of housing discrimination toward blacks but insists the problem is not widespread.

The difficulties his agency faces in New Orleans, he said, are unusual, because the flood waters moved homes off their foundations. "So our first task is examination; is it safe to move the homes; and second is it safe to rebuild," he said. "We might not want to rebuild the way we did before."

Scty. Jackson argued conditions in New Orleans' Lower Eighth and Ninth Wards were "not livable" before the flood.

"It disturbs me tremendously when people want to say racism played a part in this," he said. "As I reminded the Reverend Jesse Jackson and (NAACP President) Bruce Gordon, for 31 years we've had a black mayor in New Orleans; for 25 years we've had a predominately black city council in New Orleans, and the quality of life did not change for black people living in the Lower Eighth and Lower Ninth."

In fact, Scty. Jackson asserted, "the quality of life had only gotten worse until the flood came in. ... My contention is it wasn't race, it was inefficiency and non-compassion."

Somehow, the failure of 90 years of generally overwhelming democratic rule becomes the responsiblity of a government hundreds of miles away that has no responsiblity for the city to begin with. New Orleans should have been a utopia by now, with all the democratic programs and leftist "equality" systems in place. But alas America's most crime-ridden city (with a murder rate 8 times the national average and 5 times the number of assaults) has become a beacon for the failed policies of a well-intentioned but unmotivating philosophy. Government cannot be a source of fixing the problem; government is and has been the problem.

A portion of this post was sourced from


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good thoughts Ed!

I am convinced that focusing on government as the answer to societies problems leads to slavery for all involved.

Freedom = Responsibility.



3:09 AM  

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