Friday, August 29, 2008

Misgiving # 7 - What the HECK?! Obama's First Official Mis-step...

The official response from the Barack Obama campaign today came through his minion, Bill Burton who said:

"Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency."

Are you kidding me?!

First of all, while I appreciate the implication in this statement that John McCain is in fact the next presumed President of the United States, I would like to point out my own observation of monumental hypocrisy:

"This week, the Democrat Party put the former 'present, but no vote' legislator of the State of Illionois with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency... if America is stupid enough to elect him."

That's all... I just wanted to point out the pot calling the kettle bla.... oh shoot, I can't say this can I? Ummm..... You know what I mean. ;)


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