Monday, September 08, 2008

Blogblurb - Your Call: So, is this "bias", or just typical "hard news"?

Tell me, if you were going to report on the convention of a major national political party and it's supporters came out raving and happy, and the ratings were through the roof, how would you report on the event? I would expect myself to interview attendees, highlight the positive momentum and give the public a picture of the energy the convention held for everyone there.

...Even if it were the Democrat National Convention.

But, MSNBC, in despair after falling in dead-last in the ratings game for BOTH conventions (FoxNews came in dead-first in the coverage of BOTH, by the way), and after demoting it's two lead anchors for the evening political news instead had this lead page in its programming department:

Though it is purely beside my point, it is notable that the same page shows a headlining video of Michelle Obama, with the title "Michelle Obama dances on 'Ellen'". But my observation centers on the "coverage" of the Republican National Convention. Or, that is, the "aftermath" of said Convention.

Now, it must be noted that these videos fall under "Countdown" which is hardly claiming these days to be "fair and balanced", as Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow take their hour to pour the vitriol that leftist desire so much. Those disenchanted by the relative "balance" of CNN find their home on "Countdown" with Keith "Olderman" and Rachel "Mad-woman" as he they've taken on John Ashcroft, Don Rumsfeld, George Bush and Karl Rove on a daily basis for years.

However, "editors" exist in this business for a reason, and they used to have the job of maintaining at least an APPEARANCE of balance and objectivity.

While on this page Michelle Obama is having an Arsenio Hall moment, the Republican Convention "coverage" was titled "The RNC Aftermath" and featured video clips with titles such as:

"Maddow - Let's call lies lies"
"McCain speech skips vets"

"Filling in the blanks on Palin"

I was astonished that Keith Older-man was placed as the ANCHOR for the RNC this last week... imagine if Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh were the Anchor for DNC coverage the week before. The Dems and Obama campaign would have been all over it, crying foul... especially since it appears America prefers FoxNews over any other cable network (they hit ratings near 10 million viewers last week, while their nearest competitor came in with about half that audience). Fox understands it's viewers appreciate their attempt to be "fair"... which in this world of media-immaturity means a "moderate" report would seem "right wing".

It's pathetic. And a lousy excuse for a network.

Unfortunately, Chris Matthews had to take the fall along with Keith. Sorry, Chris.


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